
Child Custody Attorney in San Marcos, TX


Results-Oriented Approach to Protect Your Best Interest in the Parent-Child Relationship

Statue holding the scales of justice with overlay text saying "Rights Protection, Zealous Representation, Case J. Darwin, Inc.""
Whether it is a divorce with children or a non-marital relationship with children, the paramount concern is your best interest in the parent-child relationship.  If your case involves a child-custody dispute, it is important to have a results-oriented approach.  

Case J. Darwin is an experienced child custody attorney in San Marcos, TX. He will employ a results-oriented approach, whether it is a dispute of child custody or visitation-type issues.  We are here to help you with effective representation for Clients in San Marcos,TX.

Texas Child Custody or Conservatorship

“Conservatorship” describes a parent’s legal responsibilities and rights, while “access” and “possession” refers to time spent with the children.  While some legal terminology has changed, the terms child custody and visitation are still commonly used outside of the courtroom.

Conservatorship generally includes the right to make the most important decisions regarding a child’s life, such as education, medical, and religious decisions.  The law typically favors allowing both of the parents to play a meaningful role in a child’s life.  Both parents are normally named as joint-managing conservators, and thus they share parenthood’s responsibilities and rights.

In every case, a court’s guiding principle is protecting the best interests of the child. In handling child-custody matters, Case J. Darwin’s results-oriented approach is to ensure his Client’s best interest is protected as well.

Child custody lawyer, Case J. Darwin understands that access and possession to a Client’s child is of particular concern.  We will apply a results-oriented approach to satisfy your desire.

Contact Us for a Consultation With a Child Custody Lawyer

The continuation of an advantageous parent-child relationship is of utmost importance in a divorce or separation.  If you need a lawyer for family court, Contact us today online or by telephone at 512-738-6146 for a free initial consultation.

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